May 22, 2020

First Aid Questions and Answers| Kerala PSC Fireman Exam|Staff nurse Exam(21-40)

First Aid Questions and Answers| Kerala PSC Fireman Exam|Staff nurse Exam (21-40)

In this post 20 MCQ's on First aid is given. this will be helpful for all medical-related exams including Staff nurse exam Kerala PSC. First aid questions will also be helpful for Fireman Exam conducted by Kerala PSC

First Aid Questions and Answers

21) Which is the first step when caring for bleeding wounds.
a) Apply direct pressure with a clean or sterile dressing.
b) Apply pressure at the pressure point.
c) Add bulky dressings to reinforce blood-soaked bandages.
d) Elevate the wound.

22) How can you reduce the risk of disease transmission when caring for open, bleeding wounds?
a) Wash your hands immediately after giving care.
b) Avoid direct contact with blood.
c) Use protective barriers such as gloves or plastic wrap.
d) All of the above.

23) You have tried to control a victim's bleeding with direct pressure and elevation, but the bleeding
doesn’t stop. Where would you apply pressure to slow the flow of blood to a wound on the forearm?
a) Outside the arm midway between the shoulder and the elbow.
b) On the inside of the elbow.
c) Inside the arm between the shoulder and the elbow.
d) Any of the above will slow the flow of blood.

24) Dressing and bandages are used to….
a) Reduce the victim's pain.
b) Reduce internal bleeding.
c) Help control bleeding and prevent infection.
d) Make it easier to take the victim to the hospital.

25) Most injuries are due to situations that….
a) You have no control over or could not have been prevented.
b) You have some control over or could have been prevented.
c) Involve five or more people.
d) Involve water sports.

26) Where is the carotid artery located?
a) Inside the wrist just above the hand.
b) On the neck to the right or left of the windpipe.
c) Behind the kneecap.
d) Inside the arm between the elbow and shoulder.

27) On an infant, where would you check the pulse?
a) Inside the wrist just above the hand.
b) On the neck to the right or left side of the windpipe.
c) Behind the kneecap.
d) Inside the arm between the elbow and shoulder.

28) For an infant who is choking, you would perform….
a) The Hiemlick maneuver.
b) CPR
c) Back blows and chest thrusts.
d) Hold the infant upside down and strike between the shoulder blades.

29) Breathing emergencies may be caused from….
a) Asthma or Allergic reaction
b) Hyperventilation
c) Injury to a muscle or bone in the chest
d) All of the above

30) A person, who is unconscious, not breathing, has a weak pulse, needs….
a) CPR
b) Hiemlick maneuver.
c) Rescue breathing.
d) Back blows and chest thrusts.

31) When helping an unconscious choking victim, you would give an adult____ chest thrusts. For an
infant you would give____ back blows and____ chest thrusts.
a) 3,3,3
b) 5,3,3
c) 5,5,5
d) 3,5,5

32) Which is not a symptom of heart attack.
a) Chest pain.
b) Red, hot or dry skin.
c) Pale or bluish in color.
d) Profuse sweating.

33) When performing adult CPR you give….
a) 2 slow breaths & 15 chest compressions.
b) 1 slow breath & 10 chest compressions.
c) 5 slow breaths & 10 chest compressions.
d) 3 slow breaths & 15 chest compressions.

34) When performing CPR on a child you give….
a) 4 slow breaths & 20 chest compressions.
b) 1 slow breath & 5 chest compressions.
c) 2 slow breaths & 10 chest compressions.
d) 2 slow breaths & 15 chest compressions.

35) A wound where there is damage to the soft tissue and blood vessels under the skin is called…..
a) A scrape
b) A cut
c) A bruise
d) An avulsion

36) When giving care for external bleeding, what should you do first?
a) Elevate the injury.
b) Apply direct pressure.
c) Apply a loose dressing.
d) Apply a tourniquet.

37) Bandages are used for….
a) Applying directly to a wound to soak up the blood.
b) To hold dressings in place, apply pressure and control bleeding.
c) Ease pain.
d) Small cuts only.

38) Dressings and pads….
a) Should be removed when blood-soaked. New ones should be applied.
b) Are used to help control bleeding and keep germs out.
c) Are not included in a first aid kit.
d) Should be applied to a sucking chest wound.

39) Elastic bandages are used….
a) To control bleeding
b) Control swelling and support injuries such as sprains or strains.
c) To allow circulation to a severed limb.
d) When applying a splint.

40) When caring for a victim who has an object impaled in their hand, you should….
a) Remove the object, flush with cool water, and transport to the hospital.
b) Immobilize the object by placing several dressings around it.
c) Break object off where it sticks out, and bandage injury.

d) None of the above.

 More First Aid Questions and answers

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